Friday, May 25, 2012

Pinterest Nails

I found an easy way to decorate your nails here on pinterest.
Of course I am a huge pinterest fanatic (you can follow me here), and my new goal is to actually try some of the things I have pinned! (and I have tried a few!)

These actually worked and i was pretty excited! I struggled with them because I'm not very good with nails in the first place and you have to have pretty good fine motor control to deal with all the pieces of tape that stick to your fingers. BUT they still turned out pretty good!

What you do is paint scotch tape, let it dry, then cut them out and stick them to your toes. Simple enough. The only issue I had was that the tape stuck to everything! And you only get one chance to get it on your nail in the right position.
They kinda peel off easily but I also didn't get them on too solidly.
Too much fun!

Monday, May 21, 2012

The Date & The Ring

I called the temple the other day and reserved our time and date :)
Dallon and I will be sealed for time and all eternity in the Manti temple on Friday, October 5th 2012 at 12:45 p.m.
I was so excited after getting off the phone with the people there and am still super excited just typing this up!! 

I LOVE my ring. Which I should because i picked it out, though it was Dallon's favorite as well.
Strangely enough I found this ring online, but when we visited Fred Meyer's I didn't see the ring in the store. We then visited Rocky Mountain Jewelers, which was somewhat awkward- especially when I got my finger stuck in the ring sizer and after he stared at us for a while said, "I have some windex in the back if it won't come off" (though I would recommend them if you want something simple), but we didn't find one there that quite stood up to the one I found online. We then went back to Fred Meyers, showed them a picture of the ring, and went on an all out man hunt to find it in the store. It WAS there, in one of those revolving case things. After trying it, and a couple other rings on, we decided this was it.

the online picture with the wedding band
I'm still not used to wearing it though and when i take it off because it feels uncomfortable, but it feels even more weird to have it off the few times I forget to put it on before I go out in the morning. It does have it benefits though:
  • Self Defense: I have scratched Dallon multiple times and well as jabbed him with the diamond prongs. (both intentionally and unintentionally) Hey, he's the one who prefers to hold my left hand!
  • Great for gardening: NOT.  Luckily, I do most of my weed picking with my right hand anyway.
  • Scrubbing potatoes: I was washing off a potato with my hands and the back of the ring works great for running over the rough parts. 
  • Great for going out in down town Salt Lake: Considering the jeweler herself said she stopped wearing her jewelry to work because she was threatened her first week while working down town. (I'll admit, after the [attempted] drug bust on my small street and the stabbing at the Smith's I so fondly visit almost every day, Salt Lake became a little scarier.) 
But all joking aside I do love wearing it. While in public, I'll find myself doing things with my left hand more often hoping that someone sees it. Plus not only is the ring beautiful but the reason I wear it. :)

It's silly and cheesy, I know, but oh well.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Engaged! Sooner than expected, but not unexpected.

After we got a  late start, stopped by my mothers work, and realized we only had four dollars and eighty-something cents (it costs $5) we made it to huntington reservoir. It was a beautiful day and since school was still in and it isn't quite warm enough for water activities we practically had the whole place to ourselves. We packed a picnic and were both pretty hungry so we ate first. We then made our way to the freezing cold water- and we splashed around for a bit. Well maybe not splashed, more like waded ankle deep and talked about how cold the water was. When we got back to the picnic blanket we decided to read out patriarchal blessings to each other. This was a suggestion from my mother (since we had already decided to get married). It was a wonderful experience. After we finished reading his he pulled the ring box from his pocket, told me he loved me, and said "would you be my eternal companion?" My response? (almost talking right over what he was trying to say) "I bet the ring isn't even in there, you're just fooling me." But it was in there and I was so excited. So of course I said yes. After we only had one small little kiss (because my mom will probably read this) we decided to take some adorably cheesy scrabble pictures- even though we didn't have time to actually play scrabble.  What a lovely and wonderful day!!

A couple explanations: 
I thought he was fooling me because I knew he had the ring and I knew he was going to propose on our picnic. We had previously joked about him faux proposing with an empty box. 
So, yes, I did know this was going to happen. Though we already had the ring I wanted to tell/talk to a couple more people before we were officially engaged. But once we picked up the ring and I tried it on... I decided he could propose to me whenever. :)