Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2 Dads

With all that has been happening in regards to same sex marriage I thought this was funny.

I recently started subbing in a day care. The children range from 6 weeks to 5 years old, and they are always saying hilarious things (the ones who can talk, anyway). Today I was subbing for the pre K class (about 5 years old). I was sitting at a table with three kids and this goes down:

A little boy draws a picture of his dad then says he want to draw another picture of his dad. One little girl says “two dads! That’s funny! You can’t have two dads!” And is making a big deal about how he has two dads and how funny that is. He says “I don’t have two dads!” And she keeps making a big deal out of it and laughing about how funny it would be to have two dads. I tell her “Some people have two dads.” Not thinking about only gay parenting but many children from divorces have two (or more) dads. She agreed then went on to tell me that some people could have 4 dads! Or even 100 dads! They laughed about how funny 100 dads was for a while then I asked them what they would do with 100 dads. The other girl at the table said something to the effect of, “If I had 100 dads I would share them with someone who doesn’t have a dad who likes to hug dads.” So I say, “that is very thoughtful of you to share your dads.” Without any hesitation she continues on to tell the boy at the table that he couldn't kill any of the dads though. He said he wouldn't but continues with something like this, "If you killed your dad you wouldn't have any more dads, and if you killed your mom you wouldn't have any more dads, then if you killed yourself then there would be no one in the house."
The second little girl replied "There would be dead people in the house." 
Then, luckily, the subject changed. 

And that's what 5 year olds think of having two dads.