Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Anniversary and New Babies

Well, I guess I'm not very good at keeping this updated.

October 5th was mine and Dallon's first anniversary. I can't believe it's already been a whole year! I'm excited for our future together and amazed at how fast time goes by! We went to park city for the weekend where we visited the olympic park, did some swimming, browsed main street, and found the most amazing candy isle (ever). We had a lot of fun and were able to stay up late eating candy and watching tv, haha. My mom also bought us a groupon to Cornbellys to go through the maze and the haunted houses. We wandered around the maze for a while then took a shortcut to get us out that ended up cutting us into a whole different maze! Oops! The haunted house was SO FUN though and it was such a fun night! Also, we haven't tried our cake top yet! I think we are both dreading eating year old cake...

Work pretty much takes up most of our time...

Dallon is working IT at the University Guest House now. They transitioned him into the position over the summer but now he is the full time IT guy. It is a really great opportunity for him and he seems to enjoy it most days.  They are even setting him up to take some Certification classes that can lead to a pay raise and hopefully/eventually a better job!

We finished transitions at the day care a couple weeks ago. The center moves the children by classes instead of age so every september/october everyone moves up and the baby room gets a fresh batch of babies. As of the first week of october we have had 7 babies. The oldest is 5 mo. and the youngest 8 weeks and next week we will get the 8th baby who will be 6 wks! Two are premie twins who are on heart monitors which was nerve wracking at first but we haven't had an incident yet so I'm not too worried about them. And people are always asking: there are two adults, Me and the Lead Teacher, the ratio is 1:4.
All I can say about that is WOW! Props to all you guys who are having babies right now because I came home the first week crying to Dallon about how much I dislike babies. Really, it just takes some time to get used to having so many little humans screaming bloody murder in your ears while you try to figure out why they are so upset. I have already been puked on and peed on and I come home smelling like spit up everyday (but I still haven't been pooped on!!!). They really are super super cute though and I feel like I'm learning so much from them! I'm just glad I get to come home to Dallon, our TV, sleep and free time.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

RIP Murky Fish

MURK LURKER Dec. 25, 2010- July 20, 2013

Ode to Murky
By Wendy Hughes 

One lone fish, in a pretty little dish, was given as a gift 3 years ago.
Named by the brother, cleaned by the mother, lived in three places it is so.
He was midnight blue, a water bowl for Luna too, we watched him swim and grow.
But his life is now through, he will be missed it is true, bon voyage down the drain he now flows!

Now we have a NEW fish Casper!
He is really active and is always watching us swim around. Plus he is a double tail betta so his fins are bigger and prettier! Plus Plus, he is a weird skin color that is kind of creepy/awesome. 

Other than the not-so-tragic loss of my fish everything is going well! 

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Long post with some little updates

Alright, lets get started:

I graduated from the U with my bachelors degree in may! I always thought having a degree would be a little more monumental but I don't really feel much different. Though- I am very thankful for my education and I think it has helped me expand how I perceive my circumstances as well as encouraged new ideas and ways to think about things (especially since I took a whole course on understanding beliefs and how to better look at the world). I really enjoyed the social sciences as well as my professors and teachers who took me through my education. It was fun and I'm thinking that's why it was so quick and easy. One of my favorite things was in a class we had to analyze parent child relationships in movies. My reports consisted of movies like Despicable Me and Star Wars (where there are some serious daddy issues). I also took a class on family violence where we talked about the prison system (creepy) as well as brutal convicts and studies done analyzing them- that was probably my favorite course! Oh, and how can I forget my course where we created group blogs with fun articles backed by research (click on this sentence to see it), that was fun too!

 Towards the first of the year I started working as a substitute at the YWCA daycare. Once I graduated I switched to being the full time assistant teacher in the infant room. Right now we have 7 babies who range between 10-13 months. They are so cute and it is such a fun age (other than the new one who has been crying for 4 weeks straight!)! I've been able to watch them grow and develop so rapidly it is so amazing! I have pictures and some videos of them on my phone and I love showing people and bragging about the babies. I can't imagine how bad I'll be when it's my own kid! In Septemberish we will get a new class of babies and all of these guys will move up into older classes. I'm a little worried because the new ones will most likely range anywhere from 6 weeks to 6 months and will be much smaller and dependent for care.

We bought a new car! A 2008 Nissan Xterra. After going through a huge mess with the Jeep (a.k.a. Lemon) we decided we wanted to invest in something nicer, newer, and with a better reputation. We have really enjoyed this car and it has met all of our expectations (so far)! Lets just cross our fingers for the winter time. 

Dallon and I went Camping to Moon lake mid June. It was a lot of fun and a really pretty place to visit. We were able to take the Xterra with our bike rack and take our bikes. We unsuccessfully took my new crossover bike mountain biking (terrifying) but we also biked on the road and some more established trails around us. Dallon was even able to take his new mountain bike out on some rough trails.... before it got a stolen the next week while we were downtown. After a police report, going to pawn shops, constantly checking KSL, Ebay, and craigslist Dallon now has a new new bike. Now it just has to stop raining. 

We went camping with my family down by blanding in the Blue Mountains. It was a lot of fun and the wildlife there was amazing. We literally had deer all over our camp as well as a limp deer who would eat right out of your hand! My dad got a video of him feeding "gimpy" an Oreo, it's pretty amazing. We put around 100 miles on our four wheelers in two days and had a train of 8 4-wheelers each with two people on them. I bet that was pretty amazing. We even found a little patch of snow high up in the mountains on one ride! It was so nice to get out of the heat and up in to some beautiful country. 

Getting ready to leave the visitors center in Monticello 
Me trying to hitch a ride on our way out

Life is busy! 


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

2 Dads

With all that has been happening in regards to same sex marriage I thought this was funny.

I recently started subbing in a day care. The children range from 6 weeks to 5 years old, and they are always saying hilarious things (the ones who can talk, anyway). Today I was subbing for the pre K class (about 5 years old). I was sitting at a table with three kids and this goes down:

A little boy draws a picture of his dad then says he want to draw another picture of his dad. One little girl says “two dads! That’s funny! You can’t have two dads!” And is making a big deal about how he has two dads and how funny that is. He says “I don’t have two dads!” And she keeps making a big deal out of it and laughing about how funny it would be to have two dads. I tell her “Some people have two dads.” Not thinking about only gay parenting but many children from divorces have two (or more) dads. She agreed then went on to tell me that some people could have 4 dads! Or even 100 dads! They laughed about how funny 100 dads was for a while then I asked them what they would do with 100 dads. The other girl at the table said something to the effect of, “If I had 100 dads I would share them with someone who doesn’t have a dad who likes to hug dads.” So I say, “that is very thoughtful of you to share your dads.” Without any hesitation she continues on to tell the boy at the table that he couldn't kill any of the dads though. He said he wouldn't but continues with something like this, "If you killed your dad you wouldn't have any more dads, and if you killed your mom you wouldn't have any more dads, then if you killed yourself then there would be no one in the house."
The second little girl replied "There would be dead people in the house." 
Then, luckily, the subject changed. 

And that's what 5 year olds think of having two dads.