Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dear Wormwood,

While I'm posting on here can I just shout out to this song, Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos.

The Oh Hellos are currently my favorite band, and they just released a new album where the main song is nod to C.S. Lewis!? What!?!?! My two favorite things coming together.
I love this song so much and no one gets its and I can't discuss it because no one else has read the Screwtape Letters!!
Please, just listen to the lyrics and fall in love. If you don't fall in love go read The Screwtape Letters, then listen to the song, and then fall in love!

The Screwtape letters are about a demon, Screwtape, writing letters to his nephew, Wormwood, who is a junior demon, instruscting him on how to corrupt the soul of this man. This song is from the perspective of the man he is influencing and this song is the man realizing the influence of evil in his life. I LOVE songs with Christian undertones.
This is about realizing your divine nature and rejecting the influences of evil within you.

" And in my hour of weakness, you were there to see my courage fail...Planning without acting, steadily becoming what I hate"

I don't want to spoil the whole thing,

Many of my favorite quotes are from The Screwtape Letters, like the one above by my pictures. This is one of my other favorites:

“When He [God] talks of their losing their selves, He means only abandoning the clamour of self-will; once they have done that, He really gives them back all their personality, and boasts (I am afraid, sincerely) that when they are wholly His they will be more themselves than ever.”  

I know it's a harder book for some people to get through because you are seeing the world through the eyes of demons but I feel like it is mocking the devil and his punitive ways to manipulate men. 
Just go read it. It is enlightening. 
I think I'm going to go look for my copy right now.

Nevermind our cruise, we went to the mountains!

I just realized I didn't write anything about the trips we took this summer! We went on a cruise! I can't remember where I saved our pictures from it though so I will write about that later!

We went to Washington Lake in the Uinta's and it was the most amazing place ever. I plan on going back there this summer and possibly for every year for the rest of my life. I haven't spent a lot of time in the Uinta's but I see why people love them now.

We went with my cousin, Addison, and his wife, Kylee, we are really good friends with them. We also went on our cruise with them. We left Salt Lake so early that when we reached the camp site people hadn't left yet so it was pretty slim picking. We tried to get a spot by the water but eventually got too impatient and picked one in the middle of the campground.  It worked out really well though and ended up being a good camping spot.

 We rented a canoe from the U to use on the lake. The guys were able to get some really good fishing in while out in the canoe. It was so fun! I think the it was the best part. It rained a lot for one of the days we were there so we didn't get to spend a whole lot of time on the lake plus with the wind. However, in the evenings it was amazing!

A lot of time was spent sitting on the shore fishing too. I don't have a fishing license but I like just sitting outside :) 

Fishing on the dam

yay, fish!
ew, maybe not.

When we weren't fishing we were hiking to a different fishing spot! There were so many lakes and easy beautiful hikes all around. 

I took a lot of pictures of flowers but this is my favorite! It's one of my backgrounds at work!

 Cooking while camping is always... interesting.
Addison cooked up some of the trout he caught and it was actually really good eating it so fresh!

 I wish I would have written about it closer to when we actually went so I could have remembered more details. Oh well. It was still a wonderful trip to a beautiful place and I fully plan on going again next year!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Blogs are so 2013

Looking at the few blogs i follow I realized people stopped writing in blogs in 2013.
So, yeah, if I don't share this on facebook chances are no one even sees it!!

The thing I am most excited for is that my tv shows will be coming back soon.
Flash, Arrow, Agents of SHIELD, Izombie, once upon a time, blacklist, The 100... and any new shows we may pick up along the way!
Yay, I love television, it is my favorite.

I still work at the Law Firm. My position now is more complicated to explain. I work in client criteria/change management/IT group type stuff.
Don't go thinking I do anything fancy.
We recently switched to a new case management system and it's very intricate. I work on that. Getting the kinks worked out then adding stuff that people want. blah blah blah. I really like the people I work with and I am happy with my job.

I read a whole book the last two days. The School for Good and Evil, very original and a very addicting easy read. Universal bought the movie rights so just wait a couple years and you can see the movie. It's fairy tale based and mixes in some Harry Potter and has some Hunger Game type moments. I'm way excited to read the next two books and very excited to see how they transform into a movie!

I'm gearing up for Christmas! Working on a big present now then onto scarves and whatnot for other people. I haven't been crocheting as much because of all the minecraft I've been playing.


Saturday, January 31, 2015


I started crocheting in like... June...? It was super super hard for me and I honestly didn't think I could keep with it. Learning off of youtube is not as easy as people seem to think it will be. I still have yet to sit down with an experienced crocheter and have them critique my self-learned faults, and get some pointers on things I still don't quite get (like crocheting in the round). To be honest, I am very proud of myself..
Everything just clicked one day when I was making the cherry pie hot pad and you have to have two circles. Circles are very hard for me because you have to keep track of your stitches exactly (you don't have to do this if just going back and forth to make something square!) After watching about a million youtube videos of how to make something round I just gave up and decided to actually just try and interpret the pattern. It was weird. Before this looking at patterns was like looking at a foreign language (sc,ch1,sk1,dc,dc2tog, [ch1,picot,slst] x5)... okay. I just made that up. But it looks crazy, yeah? But when I looked at the pattern it made sense. Just like that. And now I no longer do youtube videos and much prefer patterns (with pictures). So there is my origin story. (Though crocheting would be the lamest super power ever.) I still can only do moderate/easy patterns and usually am too lazy undo small mess-ups, so nothing turns out perfect.  
The best part has really been remember how amazing it feels to learn a new skill. People always say to keep learning and blah blah blah. But really, it felt soo good.
I have a few more gifts to finish up, then I'm going to make a blanket, then I'm going to give lace type stuff a try (blessing dresses, doilies...), maybe make me a shawl when I learn how/what blocking is. Then it's on to knitting!

Here is a screen shot of my projects on ravely. You might not be able to see my profile unless you're a member. But this is the general overview. I'm just too lazy to go in and put individuals pictures on here. :)